Emprenye Ne Demek ?

  Impregnation is the process of impregnating different chemical substances into the wood through various methods.

   With this process, the service life of the wood is increased by protecting it from pests such as fungi, insects, termites and sea worms. It is increased by at least 10 times.

   The impregnation process depends on the type of wood, the environment in which it will be used and the expected service life. Essentially, two main areas of use should be taken into consideration when choosing the impregnation process: Wood in contact with the soil (wood at ground level) and wood without contact with the soil (wood above ground level). The impregnation process is applied to wood that will be used in all kinds of construction applications, facade cladding, garden furniture, fences, verandas, pergolas, piers, marinas, children's playgrounds, agricultural areas, etc.< /p>

Vacuum-pressureç method

   The impregnation process is carried out in specially designed impregnation facilities and is completed by going through the following stages:

First vacuum: This process is done to evacuate the air in the wood's cells and to better absorb the impregnation material.

After the first vacuum, TANALITH-E is filled into the impregnation tank and the pressure is increased. The process is started.

Pressureç The application continues for approximately 1-1.5 hours or until the required amount of impregnation material is absorbed.

Pressureç When the time is completed, TANALITH-E is discharged from the impregnation tank and the final vacuum process begins.

Final vacuum: The final vacuum process is carried out to remove excess TANALITH-E in the body and surface of the wood.

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